No More Frosty

I threw in some blues and yellows, trying my best to induce warmer weather to come sooner rather than later. Winter has worn out its welcome. I am sick of white and gray. I am sick of cold. I am sick of ice and snow.
Screw you, Frosty. You can come back on Christmas Day. Enough already.
Can I get a witness??
Ah, but there is some saving grace on the horizon. On Saturday my brothers and sister-in-laws (or is it sisters-in-law?) are coming for the day and spending the night. We always try to get together at least once during the winter months just for the sake of getting together. We haven't been in the same place at the same time since August, so I think we are all looking forward to it. We always have an enjoyable time when we're together and it is coming none-to-soon for me.
Also, one month from tonight we will be watching the Eagles live on stage at the Fargodome. Beth and I are also really looking forward to that. By then we'll be half-way through March and spring will be right around the corner.
You see? It's not that bad, Sam. Just use the power of positive thinking.
With that, I'll make this entry short but sweet. Time to join the working force of America. I'll be back again soon.