Better get a bucket...

What a night! Ava was up at 1:30 AM puking her guts out, and she spewed every 10 to 15 minutes until about 5:00 AM. This was explosive, projectile, no-warning-until-it's-flying-out-of-the-pie-hole kind of hurling. I got puked on twice, Beth got puked on once. There was puke all over the floor -- it was enough to make you puke. I made Beth go to bed around 3:30 AM (hey, I'm not the pregnant one here, she needs her rest!) and I stayed up with Ava until 8:30 AM. Took a power nap until Beth had to go to work. It's about 1:30 in the afternoon now and Ava hasn't thrown up for about three hours, so it's slowed down a bit. She was able to keep some 7 -Up down. She'd never had pop before, but drank about 1/4 of a glass and asked for more. I told her maybe later. So far, so good. Not sure what is wrong, she's not running a fever, just blowing chunks. Poor kid. I hope it's just a quick flu bug. Beth is working until 7:30 tonight. We'll all be read...