Better get a bucket...

What a night! Ava was up at 1:30 AM puking her guts out, and she spewed every 10 to 15 minutes until about 5:00 AM. This was explosive, projectile, no-warning-until-it's-flying-out-of-the-pie-hole kind of hurling. I got puked on twice, Beth got puked on once. There was puke all over the floor -- it was enough to make you puke. I made Beth go to bed around 3:30 AM (hey, I'm not the pregnant one here, she needs her rest!) and I stayed up with Ava until 8:30 AM. Took a power nap until Beth had to go to work.

It's about 1:30 in the afternoon now and Ava hasn't thrown up for about three hours, so it's slowed down a bit. She was able to keep some 7 -Up down. She'd never had pop before, but drank about 1/4 of a glass and asked for more. I told her maybe later. So far, so good. Not sure what is wrong, she's not running a fever, just blowing chunks. Poor kid. I hope it's just a quick flu bug.

Beth is working until 7:30 tonight. We'll all be ready for bed by then. Ava's sleeping right now, has been since about 11:30 this morning. She's exhausted; she probably got a total of three hours of sleep last night which was interrupted by bouts of vomiting -- that's about 8 or 9 hours less sleep than she's used to.

So I am running on nothing but caffeine right now. I think I'll check out iTunes and see if that will keep me awake.

Meanwhile, we must have at least four inches of fresh white shit out there.

Nice weather if you're a penguin.

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