Green Beer

This was the first St. Paddy's day I've had off in years, so I was determined to have a green beer today. I am finally enjoying one now. I'm alone in my living room, updating my blog and drinking a green beer. The rest of the house is sound asleep. Does that make me a party animal or what?
Oh, and I imbibed in an Iguana in the garage a little while ago. There's an Irish connection there, too. Iguana's were JFK's favorite cigar. JFK was Irish. And Iguana's are, by the way, green.
I am so totally Irish today.
As you can tell from my last blog, I really enjoyed the Eagles concert. They are masters of their craft and it was just a joy to hear live music performed that well. Now that the concert is in the books, life has returned to normal. Our next excitement will come around July 18th when we finally get to meet our new tax deduction. That is only four months away. It boggles my mind how fast time has gone with this pregnancy. It seemed like it took forever for Ava to get here. This time, the first 22 weeks flew by in a blur.
Our big news is that we've decided on a boy and a girl name, so it's just a matter of waiting to see which flavor we get. I know what you're thinking right now... and don't even ask! I am a very firm believer that it's bad luck if you announce the name of the child before he/she is born (these are my rules, folks... I make 'em up as I go). I can tell you that he/she will be named after my mom, but I won't go any further than that. It will be very special.
I know Mom would be tickled, if not slightly embarrassed by it (in my mind I can hear her say, "Oh, you damn kids!" as plain as day). I can't think of a more wonderful person to be named after, to tell the truth.
I suppose this is an abbreviated entry, but it is getting late. Time to finish my green beer and call it a St. Patrick's day. Hope you all had a safe one. I'll yack more later.