Yes, TGIM -- Thank God It's Monday.
Yeah, I'm alive. Sort of. My long stretch of work is done. The weekend sucked -- busy at work and very little sleep at home. Man, I wish I could share with you some of the stuff I've seen over the past seven days -- the crazies came out of the woodwork, kind of like those damn Asian beetles. But because of confidentiality laws (and because I need my job) I can't say a word. But I think I can at least say there are some big time nut-jobs in my fair community; I am entitl
ed to my opinion, right? I don't think that's violating anything.
I wrote down a list of things to do on my days off, but I seemed to have lost the list.
Yeah, I'm alive. Sort of. My long stretch of work is done. The weekend sucked -- busy at work and very little sleep at home. Man, I wish I could share with you some of the stuff I've seen over the past seven days -- the crazies came out of the woodwork, kind of like those damn Asian beetles. But because of confidentiality laws (and because I need my job) I can't say a word. But I think I can at least say there are some big time nut-jobs in my fair community; I am entitl

I wrote down a list of things to do on my days off, but I seemed to have lost the list.
I guess I'll just sit here and drink. I have no choice.