Ah, Freon...

Okay, it's official... the air conditioner made its debut today. The house contains a woman who's seven months pregnant and a fat boy who is adverse to warm weather. Freon is a beautiful thing.
Yesterday was a strange weather day. It did not get above 59 degrees here, but Granite Falls actually hit 100 degrees. That's over a 40 degree difference separated by about 160 miles. Somehow we avoided a knock-your-socks-off kind of storm. I think we got lucky.
Ava had the sniffles a few days ago and she passed along a sore throat to Beth and I. It seems just ridiculous to have a sore throat when it's 86 degrees outside. I hope this crud doesn't last long. I don't have time for it. It's probably the swine flu. Shit.
Ava has a new favorite movie, Wall-E. It's actually a very cute movie... at least the first couple of times it was cute. I am sure by the 265th showing I'll be ready to kill everyone at Pixar Entertainment.
The gutter guy hasn't shown up yet. But he will. Nobody gets paid till I get all my work done.
Not much else to say. Middle of the work week. Tired. Feeling rough around the edges. Blah.