A foul Sunday
I'm sitting out on my deck enjoying a cup of coffee -- wishing it was a Michelob Light. My deck needs to be re-stained. It looks awful. Okay, add it to the list. Check.
The sun is shining, the sky is blue and it almost seems like summer. Ava is running around the yard, pretending to be a dog. She's "barking" at that yapping piece of crap Pekingese that lives next door.
I'd love to drop-kick that damn dog through the goal posts of life. Some day I will.
I hate that frickin' dog.
This weekend can't end soon enough. I need a couple days off. No, more than that. How about a month? No... how about if I just quit my job and live off the government? My drunken, Pekingese-loving neighbor does. I can fake a back injury as well as him. Disability seems like nice work if you can get it.
Man, am I in a foul mood. I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day.
The sun is shining, the sky is blue and it almost seems like summer. Ava is running around the yard, pretending to be a dog. She's "barking" at that yapping piece of crap Pekingese that lives next door.
I'd love to drop-kick that damn dog through the goal posts of life. Some day I will.
I hate that frickin' dog.
This weekend can't end soon enough. I need a couple days off. No, more than that. How about a month? No... how about if I just quit my job and live off the government? My drunken, Pekingese-loving neighbor does. I can fake a back injury as well as him. Disability seems like nice work if you can get it.
Man, am I in a foul mood. I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day.