One of those nights...
Thursday night... my "hump day" as they call it. Most people's hump day is Wednesday -- that is people with normal, daytime, Monday through Friday-type jobs. That would not be me. No, I'm not complaining. I could change it if I quit my job really wanted to.
After tonight I still have Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights to go, but at least there's some light at the end of the tunnel.
Neil is crabby as hell tonight. Both Beth and I trying to figure out what his major malfunction is. Nothing is making him happy. I'm afraid it could be a long night for the Speaker of the House. The one good thing about it is we both know this isn't forever. Well, that's good and bad. Time goes too fast. This reminds me of a beautiful song by Darius Rucker called "It Won't Be Like This For Long." It pretty much sums it all up. Warning: if you've got children or grandchildren, this will make you cry...
Click the play arrow in the lower left corner
Tear jerker, huh?
Well, there's not much else to say. Time to get ready for work. See you next time.
After tonight I still have Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights to go, but at least there's some light at the end of the tunnel.
Neil is crabby as hell tonight. Both Beth and I trying to figure out what his major malfunction is. Nothing is making him happy. I'm afraid it could be a long night for the Speaker of the House. The one good thing about it is we both know this isn't forever. Well, that's good and bad. Time goes too fast. This reminds me of a beautiful song by Darius Rucker called "It Won't Be Like This For Long." It pretty much sums it all up. Warning: if you've got children or grandchildren, this will make you cry...
Click the play arrow in the lower left corner
Tear jerker, huh?
Well, there's not much else to say. Time to get ready for work. See you next time.