Time to Rant!
I haven't been the best at updating my blog lately. I've been on Facebook, but I'm getting disgusted with it. They are constantly changing the stupid thing and as soon as I think I've got it figured out, it has completely changed again and I have no idea what I'm doing. It sort of reminds me of my job -- constantly changing. I don't mind change as long as it is productive, but I get annoyed when things are being "fixed" when the ain't "broke."
The weather really hasn't changed much since I last updated. Rain. Gray. Cold. C'mon, man. So much for talking about the weather, eh?
Ava got her flu shot yesterday -- or was it the day before yesterday? I've been working all week and my days are totally mixed up. Anyway, she did very well and got a Dairy Queen out of the deal. I also promised her a trip to Fleet Farm (her favorite store) for a new toy horse if she was brave and got her shot, so we've got to do that this coming week some time. Hey, a promise is a promise. I've got to follow through!
I got my own vaccination last week, the H1N1 shot. Actually it was the FluMist spray. I would advise anyone to get it if it is available. There are so many myths and so much misinformation out there. There is even a page on Facebook called "People Against the H1N1 Vaccine." I just shake my head at their ignorance.
The best piece of misinformation I've heard is the government is adding mercury to the H1N1 vaccine in some vast conspiracy to poison us all. (Hey, if you received a forwarded e-mail about it, it must be true, right?)
The truth is there is a additive to multi-dose vials called thimerosal. This is a form of mercury. What the conspiracy theorists conveniently don't tell you is this compound is found in all kinds of eye drops, eye contact solution, nasal sprays and tattoo inks used by millions of people every day. (It was also the main component in Mercurochrome, that orange stuff that would sting like hell when your mom put it on a scrape when you were a kid. I can't tell you how much thimerosal I've been exposed to... and I'm doing okay).
Yes, there are risks when getting any vaccine, but the benefits to the H1N1 vaccine far outweigh the risks. I just feel sorry for those people that believe everything they read on the internet. You have no idea what hack is writing the stuff you are reading. These folks are infected with what I call "Rush Limbaugh-itis". They let others think for them and don't question anything they read. That is a very dangerous thing.
One of the smartest people I've ever heard speak was the late George Carlin. He was a comedian, but he was painfully truthful (which is why he pissed off a lot of people -- they really don't want to hear how screwed up they really are). And one of the smartest things I ever heard him say is this:
Don't teach your children to read everything.
Teach your children to question everything they read.
R.I.P., George. You were a wise man.