An Unexpected Surprise

I was born and raised in Minnesota.  I am sure I'll die here, too.  I pride myself in being a hearty Minnesotan.  We are used to cold winters around here.

But son-of-a-b*tch... is it cold outside!

Tonight will mark the third consecutive night where the low will be at least 25 degrees below zero.  Three nights may not sound that bad, but after while it starts to wear on a person.  Actually, it starts to become painful.

I liken it to sitting on a hairbrush for three consecutive days.  At first it doesn't seem so bad.  Then it gets annoying.  After a couple of days it starts to hurt.  Towards the end it is downright painful.

What I'm trying to say is three nights at -25 degrees feels like a hairbrush in your ass.

Okay, maybe that isn't the best analogy, but you get the general idea.   

There really is not much else to do but sit inside my toasty house with my wife and children and drink heavily.

Actually, a nice cup of hot apple cider and a bedtime of about 9:00 PM sounds more like it.

It's been a long, long seven nights at work, which included New Year's Eve and that evil full moon.  Here's a good piece of advice for anyone contemplating suicide:  do not take a bottle of No Doz if you are trying to kill yourself.  It doesn't work.  You will succeed in puking your guts out and experience heart palpitations for about 16 hours (the equivalent to ingesting 100 cups of coffee all at once will do that)... but it won't kill you.  Not even close.  You might feel like dying or wish you were dead, but you will stay very much alive and look a lot like this guy:


...okay, here's where it gets funny.  I just tried to download an amusing picture of a guy with his eyes popping out and my laptop was attacked by a virus.  I can't even get Windows to show up now.  So, I am finishing this entry using the PC.  This will be the second time my laptop has gone to Brainerd Computers in the last five weeks or so.

I guess I will stop including pictures in my blog.  My wife has scolded me harshly, "Blogs are for reading, not for looking at pictures!"  I think it enhances the reading experience, but she's right.  The price is getting pretty steep to keep getting these damn viruses taken off.

By the way, I'm canceling my subscription to McAfee in the morning.  Obviously it does not work worth a crap.  I would encourage anyone to use any virus "protection" other than this shitty product.

I sure hope my hard drive isn't fried.

Well, on that uplifting note I guess I will go.  Up early to take Ava to school, then a few phone calls to make.

This just sucks.

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