Eyes and Tires

Just a quick update:  Grace's surgery went well.  She resembles a pirate right now.  Her left eye is stitched closed.  As Ava says, "She's got a string in her eye."  Naturally, the first thing she (Ava) tried to do was pull at the stitches, so we had to have a long talk with her about not touching Grace's eye.

If the dog doesn't rub the stitches out, the kid will pull them out.  ARRRGH!

I am getting new tires put on the Honda as I write this.  That will set us back some moolah, but I learned my lesson from Brian... get your tires replaced sooner rather than later or you'll have bigger problems, especially winter driving in Minnesota.

I'm looking forward to a nice weekend off.  It is Wildcard Weekend, so you better believe I will be enjoying a few football games this weekend, much to my wife's chagrin. 

Oh well, it could be worse.

I'm not sure how, but I'm sure it could be worse.

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