July 4th

Another Fourth of July is in the books.  The parade went okay.  I think it was the first parade I had been in since July or August of 1988.

I didn't suck played better than I thought I would... and it is a good thing I showed up because I was the only drummer to do so -- and I'm not even a member of community band!  I was just doing a favor for an old friend. 

Turns out one of the trumpet players ended up playing bass drum at the last second (because I was playing snare and there was no other drummer).  As fate may have it, I knew the guy from the Blues Brothers Review (which I played with about 10 years ago, filling in for their regular drummer).  Small world, eh?

He told me the Blues Brothers Review had more or less disbanded and he asked if I was interested in being the permanent drummer for a new incarnation of the band.  But I just don't have the ability to make a commitment like that.  I love to play and I love music; it is a true passion of mine, but there are other things in life that are more important now.  It's too bad, because I think it would be fun -- and it would be great to actually practice my drums again and get respectably good at it once again.  But it's not to be.  At least not now.

Oh well.  Still, I pulled off the gig without embarrassing myself.  I am an awful sight reader, though -- even back when I read music regularly.  Good thing I've got a good ear.  I've got my mom to thank for that.

After the parade, I took the family out for pizza.  Then we enjoyed the fireworks (which Ava had never seen before).  We got home, put the kids to bed and the Mrs. and I had a night cap under the stars in our gazebo.

All in all a pretty good day.  Pretty tired now... lots of sun today.  I'm not used to that.

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