Look Who's Walking!

I'm getting better at this fancy technology stuff, but I still haven't figured out how to upload video.

Big news!  Neil has started taking his first tentative steps!  Actually, on July 8th he took his first 3 or 4 steps when Grandma was here.  Over the last four days he's gotten braver and better.  Soon he'll be running all over the house - I think it will be just a matter of days.

I took these pictures with my Blackberry this afternoon... most are blurry because he wasn't stopping for anyone!

 He prepares for launch, using a chair to steady himself (notice the smile)...

And he's off!! (still smiling)

Uh-oh... look out for that toy dinosaur!  He stumbles, but is determined to be bipedal! (still smiling)

He recovers and keeps on walking... smiling the whole way.

While he looks like me trying to walk after four Bloody Mary's and a 12 pack of Shiner Bock he is slowly getting it!

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