Farm Fest and Willie

I seem to be on a blogging roll here.  I've nearly made as many entries this month as I've made in January and February combined.  That's okay, that's what a blog is for... blogging.  Right?

Beth is feeling better.  Amazing what antibiotics can do for a person.  And she managed not to miss a single day of work.

I've been working on a lot of Farm Fest stuff lately.  I'm not sure what I'll do with myself if we ever stop doing Farm Fest.  It occupies a lot of my time in late winter/early spring.

Some of my recent projects include:
  1. Designing invitations and a t-shirt order form in a blog format, so that everything will be available in one place.  
  2. Finishing the "Prom" music for Thursday night (a mix of pretty much everything - 60's, disco, 80's, country... and more).  Fun party music!
  3. The biggest accomplishment is that I finished the 2011 t-shirt design already.  I think it turned out very nice (but what do you expect me to say... "It sucks!")??
Anyway, it is nice to get this stuff finished early, so when summer comes - if summer ever comes - I can enjoy myself and not keep thinking, "I've got to get that done..."

I read online that Willie Nelson's plea deal for his marijuana possession arrest back a few months ago is a little, er, creative.  This is a direct quote from the prosecuting attorney:
"I’m gonna let him plead, pay a small fine and he’s gotta sing 'Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain' with his guitar right there in the courtroom," County Attorney Kit Bramblett said this week. “You bet your ass I ain’t gonna be mean to Willie Nelson."
I actually think that's pretty funny.  I love Willie Nelson.  He's a shitty singer, but a great songwriter and he's lived life by his own rules.  He's a 77 (yes, 77!!!) year-old rebel who has never stopped touring, never stopped playing and never stopped writing.  He organized and has raised millions of dollars with Farm Aid and he's done a whole lot of good in his life.  He has said many times that marijuana has helped him more than any pill, so if he wants to burn one down, who really cares?

I might get flamed here, but I don't care.  I've always said that marijuana should be legalized (after all, it is readily available anywhere, 24 hours a day) and the government should tax the hell out of it.  There ya go, that's how you fix the federal deficit.  Alcohol is a far more dangerous drug - millions of people have died of alcoholism - yet it is a perfectly acceptable form of intoxication.  Cigarettes have killed millions of people, yet nicotine, a highly addictive drug, is legally available anywhere.  But there is not one documented case of "marijuana overdose" or "death by marijuana intoxication."  It just doesn't happen.  So why is it illegal?  Actually, I don't really know.

The Powers That Be say if marijuana was legalized, then more people would smoke it.  I think that's Grade A, U.S. Prime bullshit.  I don't smoke it - I've never even tried it and that's an absolute fact - and if it were legal, I still wouldn't smoke it.  I don't smoke cigarettes and they are legal.  I don't drink gin and that's legal.   I don't gamble at casinos and they are legal.  I don't eat broccoli and that is legal.  I don't have any tattoos and they are legal.

Life is all about choices, not about doing something you wouldn't normally do just because it is suddenly legal.  That kind of rationale is idiotic at best.

I've no idea how I got off on that rant.  I have a tendency to do that.  Sorry.

In other news, perhaps the greatest Hollywood icon of all time passed away earlier this week, Elizabeth Taylor.  I watched a two hour documentary on her the other night.  What a life.  It is really too bad you don't learn more about a person until after they are gone.  But that's the way it is, isn't it?

Time to get children in their pajamas...

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