Let the Whirlwind Begin

Oh, the winter blues.  Anyone else absolutely sick of winter?  Around the third week of February I start getting sick, sick, SICK of winter, even though by that time April is just five or six weeks away (about the same amount of time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day -- which seems to fly by).  Time just seems to c...r...a...w...l towards the end of winter.

Worse yet, we are bound to get a big snowstorm before it is all said and done.  The basketball tournaments always guarantee a snowstorm.  That's what my dad always said, and he was invariably right.

This is the beginning of a long week.  Working when I don't normally work.  Off when I'm normally on.  Funeral on Friday.  A long week.

I've stumbled upon a new band which I really like a lot, thanks to my nephew Ross.  I will post more about them later, since I'm always eager to share new, great music.

Time now to get ready for the whirlwind week.

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