Hey there blog readers... Due to a massive computer malfunction I havent been able to post anything, which is why you've not heard from me recently. I should be up and running again next week with a whole new system, so thanks for your patience and I will be back real soon!
Our New Neighbor
I've talked about this dude before on my blog, but on Friday he really gave us a show. He perched himself above the bird feeders in our back yard and waited for (I imagine) an unsuspecting squirrel to come along. He eventually flew away with an amazingly huge wingspan... but here he is, our new neighbor, "Oscar" the Barred Owl. I originally thought he was a Great Horned Owl, but this picture I snapped out our living room window makes it very obvious that Oscar does not have tufts or "horns" on top of his head. His head is nice and round and he has the most incredible eyes. Beth looked it up in our handy Birds of Minnesota handbook written by my friend Stan Tekiela, and he is undoubtedly a Barred Owl. The only other choice of owl in Minnesota (after Great Horned and Barred) is the Screech Owl, but that species of owl stands only 9 inches tall. Oscar was an easy two feet from head to toe. The only word I can think of to describe him is "majes...