Memorial Day Weekend Approaches...

A quick note before the weekend.  We are off to Bismarck tomorrow after Ava's last day of preschool.  Next year she starts kindergarten.  I don't see how that's possible because she was just born yesterday.

Got the lawn mowed today.  This is the second time getting that job done so far this season.  We've had plenty of rain and nice weather - a perfect combination for growing a bumper crop of grass... er, the legal kind of grass, I should say.  I suppose the illegal kind would grow nicely in this weather too?

I'm adjusting to my new computer.  I tell ya, a Mac is everything my friends were telling me it would be, and more.  Easy to use, smooth operation, and the damn thing just works.  What a nice change!

Neil's vocabulary has tripled in the last week or so.  For the longest time he grunted and screeched as a means of communicating, but now he's actually using words and they are coming fast and furious.  "Light" is a new one today, with a heavy (and cute) emphasis on the letter "L".  I guess he's not going to be a caveman for the rest of his life after all.

I posted a different picture on Facebook earlier this week, but here are a couple of alternate pictures of the kiddies playing "dress up" this week.  I did this on my Mac in less than a minute... and I don't have a flippin' clue what I'm doing!

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