happy birthday Neil!

Two years ago I was a very nervous expectant father pacing around Family Birth Place at the hospital.  My wife had been in labor all night and I had been up for about 32 hours or so.  Oh, the joys of child birth!  And I had the easy part.

Yes, my little boy turns two today.  Mom and Dad both have to work for his birthday, so we had a little party last night.  We had homemade pizza, chocolate cake with ice cream and birthday presents.  Just a tiny party with Mom, Dad and big sister, but we had fun...

Here are a few pictures of the evening:
Lighting the candle.  He's already gotten into the frosting, as you can see on his lip.

He thought it was pretty neat that everyone sang to him.
My favorite pic... blowing out the candle.  Or at least trying to!

With big sister.  Ava has a loose bottom tooth, which you can sort of see in his picture.  Neil can't keep his fingers out of the frosting.

Chocolate cake rocks

Dude... total sugar high

Opening presents!

He got a Buzz Lightyear and this was his reaction when it started speaking.  Meanwhile, old Gracie is completely unimpressed.

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