Shut it down

*Warning - this entry contains coarse language because, quite frankly, I'm a little pissed off right now.

The Fourth of July weekend is upon us.

The timing couldn't be better for a state government shutdown (the second in six years).  Does this really have to happen right now?  Yes, I understand the whole fiscal year stuff, but c'mon.  Really?

As we approach the busiest holiday weekend of the summer, plans that thousands of hard working folks have made for months - vacations that have been anticipated since the winter winds howled - are snuffed out. Thanks to a bunch of politicians that can't get their shit together.

Reasons to be pissed off this holiday weekend:

  • If I had made reservations to camp at Gooseberry Falls or Itasca or some other beautiful state park over the Fourth of July - reservations I would have undoubtedly had to make months in advance - I'd be very pissed off right now.

  • If I had explosive diarrhea while traveling through the state of Minnesota this holiday weekend, and suddenly realize that no rest stops were open, I'd be very pissed off right now - not to mention rather soiled.

  • If I had made plans to take my kids to the wonderful Minnesota Zoo over the Fourth of July holiday, I'd be pissed off right now.

  • If I worked in health care and my professional license was set to expire on July 31st - and I could not work without it, and therefore not make an income - I would be uncontrollably pissed off right now*.  

[*Actually, I do work in health care.  And, in fact, I can't work without my license, even if there is no possible way I can renew it because the government is shut down.  Luckily my license doesn't expire until October 31st.  I am gambling the politicians will get their shit in one sock before then.  I like to live on the edge, I guess.]

  • If I found out Minnesota lawmakers who are responsible for this state government shutdown are still getting paid during the shutdown, I'd be absolutely furious right now.

And guess what?  They are. 

And folks, that is the most colossal, reeking, steaming mound of bullshit on the face of the planet.  Or at least in the state of Minnesota.

I wonder if these in-it-for-my-own-personal-agenda-and-special-interests-and-I-could-care-less-about-my-constituency politicians actually could not collect a paycheck during this shutdown, how quickly these partisan bastards could resolve their differences and come to a compromise?

My guess is very, very quickly indeed.

The best thing for Minnesotans to do is remember this:  You voted these clowns into office.  You can vote them out. 

Only, of course, to vote in more clowns who have their own agenda so we can do this again in another, oh, six years or so. 

Been there, done that.

It's hopeless.  Just another reminder why I hate politicians and politics. 

Happy frickin' Fourth of July.

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