Farm Fest 9 Set

A quick update here, for those who still stop in to check my blog.  As you can see, Farm Fest 9 has been set.  It was a challenge to find a weekend that worked for the majority.  Nothing in June, nothing in July.  The first weekend in August was about our only choice.  Everyone is so busy these days, every year seems to be more and more of a challenge.

Even this first weekend of August has its drawbacks.  The biggest is that it's WE Fest weekend; but what can ya do?  If anything, Farm Fest is a lot more affordable.  And the company is better, right?

Well, we are all starting to get healthy again around here.  It has taken forever, but the coughing, sniffles, runny noses and hacking are all starting to subside.  It all started on Thanksgiving.  I'd say we've paid our dues.

Well, this is just a quick update.  I will update again next week.  Until then, stay healthy!

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