Day Trippers

I spent the day at home with the Boy today. He was sick and I wasn't all that well myself. I got up with him at 2:00 AM; he was sitting in his bed crying for no apparent reason (which is highly unusual for him). I knew there was a problem, but I didn't know what it was. Yet. It took him about an hour to "prime the pump" (so to speak) and he finally upchucked. I'll give him credit, he made it to the bathroom. But he puked in the sink (he takes after his mother, but that's a whole other story). No worries, however. Nothing a little Liquid Plum'r couldn't handle. At 3:00 AM. Blech. He seemed fine afterward, so back to bed we went and at 7:00 AM he seemed as spry as usual. We ate breakfast, we loaded up the truck to go to school and... ...all of his breakfast came up in the back of the truck. Oh, the frickin' joys of parenthood. A great start to the week. Obviously, it had to be Monday. ~ ...