The Miracle of Vicks, Camping, and Other Things
If you have a child with a relentless cough, rub Vicks VapoRub on the soles of their feet, then cover them with a pair of socks.
It really works.
I don't know why it works, and perhaps the better question is why anyone even think to try it?
But it works.
Anyway, more about that later.
And if you aren't interested in football, that ain't for you.
I should at least write something weekly, like an Andy Rooney piece. Except I'm not Andy Rooney.
Heck, I'm not even Mickey Rooney.
I'm much taller. And I'm not dead yet.
Since last time I joined you, school has started and the Boy and the Girl have entered yet another new chapter in their lives.
The Girl is now in third grade and the Boy has started a pre-K program. He's old enough to start kindergarten (having turned five in mid-July), but the Speaker of the House and I came to a bilateral agreement to hold him back a year.
I think it is a decision we will not regret.
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The obligatory "first day of school" picture which I failed to post on Facebook. |
Just two days after school started, in the wee hours of the morning, a nasty storm blew (literally) threw our neck of the woods. We lost electricity for the day and one of the beautiful oak trees in our back yard bit the dust.
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Our beautiful oak was out for the count. It took a large, crappy jack pine with it for good measure. |
The good news is we have nice firewood now. The bad news is we all loved that tree. Many trees were lost in the neighborhood that morning, prompting the Girl to ask wistfully, "What did trees ever do to us?"
We went camping last weekend with the Budahn family and we had a nice, relaxing weekend with old friends. Fall camping is the best: no bugs and crisp air, which is perfect for a fire and a favorite sweatshirt.
Early Saturday morning, the Tax Deductions and I went for an early morning "exploring adventure." I decided to snap couple shots as we took in the scenery.
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Bright, early morning September sunshine is the best. It was chilly, but perfect for an exploring adventure. |
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Watching a fishing boat troll past. The water was peaceful and "flat" (as the Boy described it). |
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The Tax Deductions discover an antique while on our exploring adventure. I explained, "This is a pay phone." To which the Girl excitedly replied, "Oh! Like the song?" Yeah. Like the song. |
Of course, we have a family rule (section 7, paragraph 4) which states:
"The enjoyment of camping shall be restricted to one (1) day, after which no less than one (1) member of Family is required to become ill."
Never one to break the rules, this is precisely what happened. The Girl became sick Sunday and remained so much of the week. Naturally, she eventually shared the love with the Boy.
So, the Speaker of the House and I enjoyed our 18th wedding anniversary (which was last Sunday) cleaning up puke.
That's symbolism if there ever was such a thing.
Which brings me to the relentless cough mentioned at the beginning of this little dissertation, which the Boy now has. We've tried everything, including honey, Dimetapp, Delsym; basically everything shy of codeine.
Then, last night, the Speaker of the House read an article called "12 Surprising Uses for Vicks," in which a section proclaimed: "Massage Vicks on the soles of a child's feet, then cover with socks. It will stop a cough dead in its tracks."
Desperate times call for desperate measures... and besides, what harm could it do?
As I proclaimed earlier, it's not an urban myth. It really frickin' worked.
Yesterday, the Girl was awarded a medal for "All-Star Highest Reader" in the summer reading program. Her name and the number of minutes read is etched in the back of the medal, "So it's forever!" (in her words).
She was beaming and declared to me this morning, "Dad, I'm so lucky! I won't give this up for a million bucks!"
The harder you work, the luckier you get. That's the lesson for the day.
And for life.
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This is what a proud face looks like. |