Day Trippers

I spent the day at home with the Boy today.  He was sick and I wasn't all that well myself.  I got up with him at 2:00 AM; he was sitting in his bed crying for no apparent reason (which is highly unusual for him).  I knew there was a problem, but I didn't know what it was.


It took him about an hour to "prime the pump" (so to speak) and he finally upchucked.

I'll give him credit, he made it to the bathroom.  But he puked in the sink (he takes after his mother, but that's a whole other story).  No worries, however.  Nothing a little Liquid Plum'r couldn't handle.

At 3:00 AM.  


He seemed fine afterward, so back to bed we went and at 7:00 AM he seemed as spry as usual.  We ate breakfast, we loaded up the truck to go to school and...

...all of his breakfast came up in the back of the truck.

Oh, the frickin' joys of parenthood.  A great start to the week.  

Obviously, it had to be Monday.


On a brighter note, we took advantage of the ridiculously beautiful weather this past weekend and went on a little road trip around Lake Mille Lacs.  

For those who don't know, Mille Lacs is the second-largest inland lake in the state of Minnesota.  

More meaningless trivia: the two islands in the center of the lake are the smallest in the United States.  You didn't need to know that, but I aim to entertain and educate.  It's what I do.

The Tax Deductions admiring the vastness of Mille Lacs.  It was a picture perfect fall day.

The fall colors hadn't quite peaked yet, but they were still very pretty.  We tried to get some pictures, but we couldn't do it justice...
Somewhere on highway 18.

For lunch, we stopped at Mugg's in the metropolis of Wahkon (population 206 people, 47 dogs, 38 cats and 4 hamsters).  Mugg's is known for their famous "Baconator" Bloody Mary, made with bacon-infused vodka.  The Speaker of the House had one (I sampled); it was quite good, but I must admit my Bloody Marys are better (this was confirmed by the dutiful and supportive Speaker).

I am, however, inspired to make my own bacon-infused vodka to compliment my Bloody Marys.  This is at the top of my not-very-important-things-to-do-but-will-take-priority-over-more-pressing-issues-because-that's-how-I-roll list.  In fact, I shall begin experimenting next weekend.

Mugg's had very tasty burgers and fries, and excellent craft beers.  If you're in the area, check 'em out.

The Boy simply couldn't resist throwing rocks into the lake.

On the shores of Mille Lacs.

No trip around Mille Lacs would be complete without a stop in Garrison.  Mille Lacs is one of the premiere lakes for walleye fishing in the state (and therefore, the entire country) and a famous giant walleye greets everyone at the intersection of highways 18 and 169.

The Tax Deductions and the Speaker of the House with the giant walleye in Garrison, MN.  I am guessing more than a million other people have taken a similar picture over the years.

We ended the day back home with a cocktail and a fire on a perfectly calm, perfectly perfect fall evening.

We spent the day doing nothing, and it was a day well spent.


Last Friday was "Cowboy Day" at the Boy's school.  He was extra excited to go to school and show off his Charlie Daniels-inspired duds.  I had to take a picture that morning...

Howdy, pard'ner!
His little stuffed pony (that's what he's holding) never did make it to school and by the end of the day his cowboy hat looked like he had ridden a hundred bucking broncos, but he enjoyed himself and that's all that really matters, right?

Until next time...
A very rare selfie with my peeps...  Applebee's ROCKS.

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