The Hookers

We are all conditioned to think a certain way, act a certain way, observe the world in a certain way.  It starts at an early age, when we are told to color inside the lines; scribbling over the picture is unacceptable.  Eventually we become "programmed," not unlike lab rats.

Most people live inside that box of robotic, predictable thought their entire lives.  Look around you.  You see it everywhere.

But children have fresh eyes.  Their point of view comes from a completely different perspective; their thoughts have not yet been clouded or limited by stupid, unwritten rules.  One of the joys of parenting is when your child says something completely outside the box of conventional thinking.

And The Boy had one of those moments this week.

Almost all of you know that I am a football nut.  My dad loved football and he passed that love down to me.

Now, I'm passing it along to The Boy.

So last week I started teaching him all of the NFL teams based on their logo (since he can't read quite yet).  I figured, if nothing else,  it would be a good exercise in image-association memory recall (or something fancy-sounding like that).

As I suspected, he caught on quite quickly.  There are 32 NFL teams and he memorized nearly all of them in a matter of a couple of days.

But there was one team with which he had particular trouble, and after looking at the logo, I can see where he's coming from:

Me:  So what team is this?

The Boy:  Umm.... Oh!  The Hookers!

You know what?  Looking at it from his perspective, I can see it now.  The fleur-de-lis looks remarkably like a complex fish hook.  So, naturally, this team must be the Hookers, right?

So in our house, the Saints are now officially known as the New Orleans Hookers.

And being a loyal Vikings fan who suffered through that sickening NFC Championship game in 2010, it's obvious the Saints are quite adept at paying cash for screwing others.  They have a history of turning tricks on the field for money.

The Hookers.  I think that's pretty appropriate.

The Boy is a genius.

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