Goodbye Ike

I saw the other day that Ike Turner died. He was one of rock and roll's first true pioneers, credited with making one of the first, if not the first, rock and roll record: "Rocket 88". You can download the tune anywhere and it is a pretty cool little number. It is found under the artist Jackie Brenston, but Ike Turner is behind it. Of course, Ike went on to create the image of Tina Turner. Tina had the legs and voice, but Ike had the brains. I love songs like "Knock on Wood" (the Ike and Tina Turner version, not the '70's disco version). The song is ballsy and brassy, and Ike arranged it.

He was one of those guys who never got the credit he ever fully deserved, mostly because his name was smeared by accusations of spousal abuse. He's spent more time in jail than the Rolling Stones collectively, and snorted more cocaine in a week than Rick James had in a lifetime. In all, he reportedly wasn't a very nice guy. However, they say the last 15 years of his life he spent sober (the only 15 years of his life sober!), and it appears that the old man finally got it together in the end. But there's no denying he created the path that was followed by Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Fats Domino, and many other of the original rock and roll pioneers. Yes, Ike was there from the very beginning, and many people have forgotten about that.

So, goodbye Mr. Turner. You were an American original, even if you were an asshole. At least you didn't compromise.

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