Last Day

The new year will be here in about three hours or so, and I keep thinking about sitting down and writing a little something. I suppose I better do it now and make this my last entry for the year, looking forward to a new and better one in '08. I have to work tonight, beginning my seven night "tour of duty" so there will be no partying or revelling for me tonight. I will ring in the new year sober, but that's fine with me. Besides, I get paid double time for doing it and I won't be hung over in the morning (just really tired). I can live with that.

I haven't blogged for a while. Busy with the holidays, family stuff, you know... the usual Christmas things that everyone gets preoccupied with. I hope everyone had a good Christmas and stays safe tonight. Of course, everyone is asking about New Years Resolutions and I always give the answer my dad once gave when he was about 79 years old: "This year I'll give up riding motorcycles." My dad could always come up with the best one-liners when you least expected it.

I won't fall into the trap of New Years Resolutions because I never keep them. Yes, I should lose weight, get into better shape, give to the poor, steal from the rich and all that stuff, but I know none of it is going to happen. Why would I set myself up for failure more than I already do? Maybe my resolution should be to not keep my resolution? That way I know I will succeed! Sometimes you've got to think outside the lines a bit.

Well my friends, this will be my last entry of the year. Perhaps a good resolution would be to blog a bit more? Maybe I can do that. I will chat more later, just wanted to be sure you knew I was still alive and kickin'. Well... I'm not really kickin' but I am still alive. Will talk more next year.

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