Why do we tolerate this?

I just don't understand what our country is coming to. First the Virginia Tech massacre in April, then four mall shootings over the year, the most recent this week in Nebraska, and today a church shooting in Colorado.

I've heard the saying "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." That's a load of bullshit. People with guns kill people. More precisely, crazy bastards with guns kill people.

But what can be done about it? The right to own firearms is a constitutional right. Our society seems to accept -- or at the very least tolerate -- random acts of violence, and we've grown callous to the headlines. Mass shootings are simply becoming a part of the American lifestyle.

Until we stop tolerating this crap, and until the media, such as CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS stop making superstars out of these people that commit these horrible acts, they will continue. In fact, the piece of shit that killed all those people in Omaha earlier this week said in his suicide note, "Now I'll be famous." Thanks to the media, he was exactly right.

This is wrong and it needs to change.

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