Birthdays and Marrying Elton John

I screwed up and I might as well admit it right up front. My brother Bob's 60th birthday was on January 5th and like a total schmuck I forgot it. I knew his birthday was in January and I knew he was turning 60, but I missed the big day. I always think his birthday is later on in January, but that was my dad's birthday, not Bob's. Oh well, happy belated birthday, Bob. I think you read my blog. I am disappointed you didn't have a big party like you did on your 50th. That was the most fun I don't remember!
Then again, maybe you did have a party and I'm on your shitlist. You'll have to let me know.
Beth went to New York Mills to spend the day with her mom and to run a few errands that have been on our "roundtoit" list. I am spending the day doing laundry and listening to my favorite oldies station. I am dressed in an Eddie Bauer sweatshirt, Vikings shorts and black socks with red and white stripes. I must say I look especially sexy today. Maybe later I will do that Tom Cruise "Old Time Rock and Roll" dance from Risky Business, videotape myself and post it right here on my blog?
Then again, I think there's a better chance I will become lovers with Elton John

Okay, I don't know where that came from, but it is rather disturbing.
I think the next load of laundry is almost done so I should keep moving.
Ava is downstairs lost in La-La Land, playing with her bears, yelling something about "Don't worry, I will save you!" Not sure what that's all about, but she's entertaining herself, so I won't complain.
Say, if you washed your clothes in milk, would it be called laundairy?