Sam the Plumber

We had "date" night last night. That's when we sit on the couch, watch reruns of "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" and eat dates.

I miss that show. Anyone else remember it?

Marlin Perkins was the man back then.

Well, sort of.

Anyway, back to what I was talking about (whatever that was). Oh yeah, date night. No, we didn't eat dates. We got a babysitter and went to what has quickly become our favorite Mexican restaurant, "El Tequila."

I was brave this time and tried a margarita. I say "brave" because tequila is not my favorite choice in beverages, but this margarita was terrific. First and foremost, the drink was as big as my head. I would venture to guess it was about 36 ounces; you could have poured three cans of beer in the dog dish on stilts that the margarita was served in. This was fine by me because I come from the school of thought called "If A Lot Is Good, More Is Better." This general rule applies to all things in life. I would also venture to guess there was a fair amount of tequila in the drink. The longer we dined, the fewer problems I seemed to have.

Beth had a virgin pina colada which was also very good (she craves pina coladas and virgins when she's pregnant... which I think is odd... but it is better than craving snails and sluts I suppose). I love pina coladas, even though it's something of a "girly" drink. When we were in Mexico I had pina coladas for breakfast (literally!). In fact, I wouldn't mind having one right now. Hmmm...

We didn't stay out for long, but it was nice to be adults for a couple hours.

Not much going on today other than football. The NFL playoffs are today and tomorrow and that can't be bad.

I fixed one of our toilets this morning. It wasn't flushing properly. It was a two step job because I got the wrong sized valve at first, so I had to run to Fleet Farm twice whilst braving the cold (I like that word, "whilst." You don't hear it much these days. It is much like "hence." It's a good word with a specific meaning and it just isn't used much anymore. I think that sucks).

Hell, I forgot what I was talking about.

Oh, the broken can. Right. So I finally got the right parts and after a few colorful words I finally fixed the potty. And I learned something today: you don't know how important a properly flushing potty is until it's not flushing properly... um, if you know what I mean.

Oooookay, that's a visual you probably could have done without.

I'm pretty sure it's time to move on.

Now, about those pina coladas...

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