I have been cold medicine-free for the last 12 hours and I am feeling a little more human. I was alternating Nyquil, Robitussin, hot buttered rum, Dayquil, Sudafed, crack-cocaine, shots of brandy and Russian tea and it really made me feel weird - like a Jim Morrison "Lizard King" type of weird. I thought everything was fine, but when the Christmas stockings started talking to me I decided enough was enough. No more cold medicine. I started detoxing myself from all of this stuff that was supposed to be making me feel "better" and I think my body is finally coming around, judging by the green, chewy leeches I am hacking out of my lungs. (Sorry, too much information.) I still do not feel 100%, but certainly better than yesterday. My sore throat is gone, but I woke up with a pounding headache and I haven't been able to get rid of it. I'm not sure if it is my sinuses or the fact that I haven't had any coffee for the last couple of days. ...