Baby, It's Cold Outside
As you can see, Farm Fest 2010 now has a date. We tossed a few dates around and the third weekend in August is what worked out best for the "band." Hopefully we have the date set far enough in advance so people can get it on their calendars and get vacation requested.
Gosh, the warm days of summer, camping and Farm Fest seem like a long way off right now. Christmas is over and now we begin the "rut," as I call it -- the period of time between late December and late March.
That's a long rut.
It sounds like Friday through Monday we are going into the deep freeze around here, with lows around -20 each night. At least that's what I heard on the radio on my way home from work this morning. Actually, -20 is colder than a deep freeze.
That's just stupid.
The end of the year is tomorrow. Over the past year I have had over 5,300 hits on my blog. That's pretty cool. It certainly gives me incentive to keep on writing. Thanks for reading my gibberish. The sad part is I would keep on writing even if no one was reading!
It seems like not very people are blogging anymore. I should say, not many of my family members are blogging anymore. I guess Facebook is everyone's choice now. I've decided Facebook has become the Wal-Mart of the internet -- it is everywhere, everyone complains about it, yet that's where everyone goes.
I personally prefer blogging. At least here I am free to express an opinion and not be concerned about offending some overly sensitive twit with skin as thin as tracing paper (yes, Stacy, this is in reference to your little "exchange" today on Facebook). The concept of "freedom of speech" seems to apply only to those with a minority point of view. Over the years, I guess this has become the American way.
If you are offended by my blog, just don't read it. Easy as that!
So I'll see ya next time...
...or not?