A Lot of Nothin'
We got our Christmas pictures today, which I think turned out pretty cute. My wife is pushing me to write my usual Christmas letter, but I can't find the motivation or time to sit down and git 'er done this year. The way I look at it, my Christmas letter will go to the people who read my blog and the people who read my blog are already up-to-date with our life, so it makes it rather redundant and anti-climactic if ya ask me.
Everyone at our house is sick and Neil especially sounds bad. He is very "croupy" sounding and he'll bear watching closely. There's nothing more stressful than sick children.
There's only ten more days till Christmas. We'll be heading to Waseca to spend the holidays with Beth's family... that is, provided we are all healthy by then!
I am watching Turner Movie Classics (one of my favorite channels) and they are airing the original, uncut version of "Gone With The Wind," complete with overture, intermission music and exit music. It was 70 years ago at this very moment that this film debuted in Atlanta, Georgia.
It did not get above zero today in our neck of the woods. Yeah, it's cold.
Time to go and take some TheraFlu.
Everyone at our house is sick and Neil especially sounds bad. He is very "croupy" sounding and he'll bear watching closely. There's nothing more stressful than sick children.
There's only ten more days till Christmas. We'll be heading to Waseca to spend the holidays with Beth's family... that is, provided we are all healthy by then!
I am watching Turner Movie Classics (one of my favorite channels) and they are airing the original, uncut version of "Gone With The Wind," complete with overture, intermission music and exit music. It was 70 years ago at this very moment that this film debuted in Atlanta, Georgia.
It did not get above zero today in our neck of the woods. Yeah, it's cold.
Time to go and take some TheraFlu.