Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all!  We have our Christmas cards ready to send to everyone, but stamps seem to be an essential part of sending a letter.  Due to lack of stamps in our household, I'm afraid your card is going to be late, but it's the thought that counts, right?

We are scrambling here to get our stuff organized and packed.  We are going to take off tomorrow night, heading for Waseca, MN, which is where Beth's oldest sister lives.  We are in a race against Mother Nature.  There is a major winter storm a-comin' and it ain't looking good.  At least 14 inches of snow is expected for our area, starting late Wednesday night.  We are going to cut it close and we've got a long drive -- a little over 200 miles or so. 

Racing a blizzard -- I think only Minnesotans would even try to do this.  Are we brave or just stupid?

By the way, that's a rhetorical question.

If the forecast is correct ( a huge IF), we will beat the storm if (a huge IF) we leave soon after Beth gets off work Wednesday evening. 

If, however, road conditions are dangerous, I reserve the right to turn our ass around and head back home.  I'd rather be alone over Christmas than walking through a blizzard trying to find help after planting my car in the ditch.  Common sense will prevail, trust me.

Of all times for a severe winter storm, it would have to be on December 24th and 25th.  Is this ironic or Murphy's Law?  I'm not sure.

Time to brush up on my winter driving skills... it's white knuckle time.  Oh what fun it is to ride!

Stay safe everyone and have a wonderful holiday!

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